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Select Board Minutes 09/06/20116
Present: Elias Gillen, Chair
Bettina Schmidt, Member
Larry Mandel, Member

Call to Order:
Mr. Gillen called the meeting to order at 7:00pm

Approval of Minutes:
Could not approve as they were not sent out.

Old Business:
Choice % of poverty level income for Senior abatement program. 09062016-1 Mr. Mandel made a motion to table until we had a better understanding of what the % should be.  Ms. Schmidt seconded 3-0-0

New Business:

Motion 090616-2 Mr. Mandell made a motion that we keep the signing of the warrants to the entire board. Ms. Schmidt seconded 3-0-0

Public Access: None

Motion 090616-3 Mr. Gillen, to adjourn Ms. Schmidt. So vote.

Meeting closed 7:05pm.